How to Learn Anything in 20 hours


You probably have heard about the famous 10,000-rule from Malcolm Gladwell, where it claims that to achieve world-class expertise in any skill we need 10,000 hours of practice. But if you think about it, most of us don’t need to be a world-class in every skill we are interested in. We just need enough time to go from knowing nothing to pick the basics and perform noticeably well.

In the video above, Josh Kaufman, author of The First 20 Hours, talks about how, with only 20 hours of focused training, we can gain any skill desired.

Here is also the four steps in Kaufman’s method:

1- Deconstruct the skill. Divide the skill in small parts and try to learn the most important ones first. For example, if you are learning a new language, start with the 2,000 most used words and you will have enough vocabulary to maintain a conversation with anyone.

2- Self-correct: Use 1-3 references to learn enough that you can correct yourself.

3- Remove practice barriers: identify what are the distractions that are keeping you away of practicing and remove them.

4- Practice at least 20 hours

What do you think about this method?