Sunday, April 28, 2024
HomeBooksBook: REWORK


REWORK is an incredible book I got a couple of months ago. Jason Fried and @dhh79, founders of 37signals, share some interesting ideas on how to run a business more productively and efficient. They definitively toss out the old business rules and shows us a better and easier way to succeed. I think this book is perfect if you are interested on running an internet-based business. These are some of their ideas:

📉Long-term business planning is guessing.

🕹The easiest, most straightforward way to create a great product or service is to make something you want to use.

👀Build an audience. An audience returns often to see what you have to say. This way you don’t have to spend money to reach people.

📅Focus on what won’t change. What do people want today that are going to want 10 years from now as well?

💵Start a business not a start up. Focus on a business plan that generates money from day 1.

👩‍💻Do it yourself first. Try to do it yourself first, this way you’ll understand the nature of the work, and you’ll know what to look for when you hire someone else.

👨‍🍳Emulate chefs. Be like great chefs, they share everything they know.

💪Everybody works. With a small team you need people who are going to do work, not delegate.

👩‍💼Hire managers of one. They are people that come up with their own goals.

✍️Hire great writers. Always hire the best writer when you are trying to hire someone to fill a position.

🤢Meetings are toxic.

😴Sleep, sleep, sleep.


Luis Daniel Fonseca
Luis Daniel Fonseca
I’m a Software Engineer passionate about technology, entrepreneurship, and self-improvement. I’m using this site and social media to share resources I find useful, things I learn, strategies I use, and to also document my journey on creating great products. Join me on this adventure! 🙌

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