Best Programming School in 2018: Lambda School


Some months ago I started to hear about Lambda School, and I immediately thought this is just another coding bootcamp. Then, I started to see a lot of people from Silicon Valley talking about this School and I decided to learn more about it.

The first thing that caught my attention was that they don’t charge you at front, they wait for you to get a job that pays at least $50k a year and they charge you a percentage of your income for 2 years. This was a surprise because you usually pay $10k for a 3 month bootcamp and at the end, they don’t really care if you find a job or not. In Lambda they want you to find a good job, because that’s how they get pay.

Lambda School programs last around 6 months, and they are currently offering 5 different tracks: Full Stack, IOS Development,  Android Development, Data Science, and UX Design. You can learn more here

If you go to twitter and look for Lambda School right now, this is what you will see:

Also, I recommend following his CEO, Austen Allred, he is always sharing interesting data and success stories about the school and its students.

Honestly, if I was starting from 0 today, I probably will try going to Lambda School for sure.

What do you think?