Best Site to Learn Coding for Free in 2018


I often receive the same question “What is the best site to learn coding?” and my answer always is


💻 They cover pretty much everything you need for web development ( HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Databases, Git, Nodejs, Reactjs, D3.js)

🏃 It’s self-paced. You can go as fast as you need.

👥 The community is amazing. You will be surprise on how much other students are willing to help you.

💪 Learn by doing. There are a lot of projects and challenges you need to complete. You also receive certifications after completion.

🤓 Get experience. You can get experience by coding for nonprofits thru Free Code Camp.

💵 Did I mention is FREE?

If I had to start again, I would definitively do it here.

Have you use FreeCodeCamp before? Do you use something else? Let me know in the comments!